Topic: BiM Mafia?

Hey guys, I was recently being a traitor and checking out some other LEGO communities. I randomly saw this site called and decided to look at their forums. I was about to close the page when I saw this. It's just like the card game, except with LEGO bricks to help illustrate the story. You really need to look at some of the past games in order to understand what it's like. I thought that this might be a fun thing for BiM to start up. Would anyone be interested in playing? I know I would!

NOTE: I would not be running it, I have had enough of that with the community project.

The guy who got banned more times than DiCaprio said "f***" in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Re: BiM Mafia?

This topic does not meet the General Film Discussion purpose, as described by Smeagol:

Sméagol wrote:

This forum is intended for discussion of film in a general sense - favorite films, movie reviews, and anything else that is about filming or brickfilming but just doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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