Topic: Pencil Sharpener

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Pencil Sharpener


My latest short. I've had the idea in my mind for a while. And I finally get to animate it.

This is my longest film, by far. And it took a good three weeks to make!

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Pencil Sharpener

Guys? Feedback?

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Pencil Sharpener

you have improved a lot. The exposure could still be turnd down  and the camera movements were pretty jerky. Loved the part were he sharpened The pencil. mini/smile

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
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Re: Pencil Sharpener

Great job! I think some parts were a little confusing, but I think that was because somethings moved a little to fast. I had to pause the video to process what I was seeing mini/tongue . I think if you take just a few more frames, hold certain shots longer, and make actions more clear, it should be easier to understand. mini/smile

I did like the story, character design, and set a lot. The first pencil sharpener joke was kinda borrowed from "SpongeBob" though, right? Anyways, keep up the good work.

(PS: Sorry I couldn't get those voices to you, I sent an audition, but for some  it didn't work mini/confused )

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: Pencil Sharpener

PushOverProductions wrote:

The first pencil sharpener joke was kinda borrowed from "SpongeBob" though, right?

Actually, no. I kind of based it off of this episode of "Arthur" (skip to 2:53). But, thanks for the feedback, you guys.

Last edited by Mickey (March 25, 2014 (06:44am))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Pencil Sharpener

Ahh Arthur. Memories.

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: Pencil Sharpener

Very cool bud.
Good to see you doing more videos.
Keep it up.

Re: Pencil Sharpener

what PushOverProductions said. You need to slow it down a bit, the current style is a bit dizzying, confusing, it is difficult to figure out what is actually going on - but that can be a point as well. The voices were irritating (if that was intention).

Last edited by ThaukaFilms (September 11, 2013 (10:17pm))

Re: Pencil Sharpener

Thank you all for your feedback! I will improve.

Last edited by Mickey (March 25, 2014 (06:44am))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Pencil Sharpener

I just watched this, having discovered I'm mentioned in a special thanks fro some rason... possibly for suggesting Brandon Fields for a voice.  He's awesome, isn't he?  Anyway, I loved the impressionistic look to it and the crazy voices, especially the teacher, " DON'T KNOOOOOW... CAAAAN YOUUUU?"... a teacher's favorite line!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."