Topic: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

So I was thinking (oh no!).

On podcasts and in recording studios, people wear headphones while voicing so they can hear their music/other voices/themselves. But with brickfilming, I've never heard of anyone actually wearing headphones while they voice act.

The thing about headphones is, when you have them on, you hear your own voice, thus causing you to change your voice a bit, which may or may not improve or degrade the quality of the voice.

So I was wondering, do you wear headphones? Have you ever tried it? If so, did you find it better or worse?

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

Yes, we always wear headphones when voice acting! I originally thought that it was the norm when voice acting, but I guess not mini/what


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"Do everything you do for the glory of the one who made you.."

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

BrickBrosProductions wrote:

Yes, we always wear headphones when voice acting! I originally thought that it was the norm when voice acting, but I guess not mini/what

I've always heard t depended on the voice actor (or singer). Some like to hear their voice, other are disturbed by it.
Mostly a matter of preferences I guess.

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

If your headphones (or earbuds) cancel noise, it's probably not the best idea to use them since you wouldn't be able to hear yourself properly.

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

I only use headphones when singing, and I'm listening to an mp3 of an instrumental  to guide me.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

I usually go without headphones for general voice recording, but always use them when singing. It's to hear other tracks, though; I've never really used headphones to listen to myself.


"If you find a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra

Re: Voice acting: Headphones or no?

I had never actually thought about using them for brickfilming, but knowing how I hate the sound of my own voice (makes me cringe a lot when I hear people listening to my brickfilms mini/confused) so it may depend on whether or not it suits you.

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