Topic: The 2010 Bricks in Motion Awards: Viewer's Choice [CLOSED]
Hello Bricks in Motion! The BiM Awards are back and it's time for the community to vote on their favourite brickfilm of 2010.
Using your suggestions from the potential nominee suggestion thread, the Board of Directors have created a shortlist of quality brickfilms from 2010. These are the films that are eligible for this year's awards, including Viewer's Choice.
The Shortlist
This list of films are all the films suggested that have been decided by the Board of Directors and the community. Each films includes a link, if one does not work, please contact me so that I can fix it immediately.
The Pilgrim's Son- Captain Bulldog
The Force Unleashed- Fancypants
The Profession- MindGame
Ham on Set- mobiledeli
Stranger than Fishin'- MindGame
A LEGO Batman Film- KG
Sssssss- KG
Printed Circuit- Brick It!- 0ldScratch
The Legend of Ignaqua- ignaqua
Zombie: Genesis- Nick Durron
tim vs fRED- filmyguy
Piano- EmmaExecute
LEGO Black Ops- Keshen
Cashman 2: Man of Cash- Smeagol
TALE- filmyguy
Hold the Lines- Hadrien Bosse
What's in a LEGO Brick?- Smeagol
The Final Quest- twickabrick
Ed night- Piet
The Village- Piet
Mr. Bad Frame- LGFB
The Beast- Sean
The Fastest and Funniest LEGO Star Wars Story Ever Told- Garrett
Knucklehead- 0ldScratch
How Mr. Socially Impaired Failed to Steal Christmas- MaxButcher
Megaphone- Hazzat
Odd Jobs- namchild
Happy Peace Day- filmyguy
For Alfie- Joshua Carter
Brick or Treat- BuilderBrothers
Amphibian Appendages- JustKidden
Small World- goldencamerastudios
That Groovy Kind o' Love- Captain Bulldog
Valentine The Sequel- filmyguy
Lego Stormtroopers - The Prank- Fatal Extraction
Cardboard Gear Solid- Keshen
The Orange-Green War Begins- fallentomato
Crime Stories- Bodville
Malheur- Jeremy Richards
The Cave- Kim Gohlich
All Work and No Play- Daragh
Modern Warfare- Hazzat
Bakey a Cakey- EmmaExecute
Lucky- Legoander
Unexpected Genderness- Rsteenoven
Bad Taste- jd16592
Expect This- Fancypants
The Magician- MindGame
Good Cop, Batman- Keshen
The Dandelion- Daniel
Who Can Vote
To be eligible to vote, you must have been a member on before July 1st, 2010.
How to Vote
You will choose ONE film from the shortlist to vote for the Viewer's Choice Award. To clarify, this award is essentially Best Film, but voted by the community instead of judges. Send the title of the film and the director's name to the user BiMA10 through a private message. You may vote for one film only, if multiple films are included, your ballot will be disqualified. Please try to watch all of the films at least once, it is a large list, but many of them you will probably have already seen. This is to avoid unfair bias.
When Can I Vote?
Ballots will be accepted from now until Sunday, July 31st, 2011. This gives you almost 3 weeks to watch the films and decide.
Results will be announced (along with the other awards) at a later date, currently undecided. The exact date and time will be announced later.
Remember, send your ballot to the user BiMA10 with the title and director name of the film. You will have until Sunday, July 31st.