Topic: New emoticons.
I was thinking that Blunty's emotes are getting a little out of date, and don't seem to keep with the beautiful shininess of the new site.
So I recreated them using the head from the avatars you can create on as a template.
Here's the one's I've done so far, just to see if they're liked. I put them side by side to the old ones for comparison.
If these are liked I can easily make more, just tell me what emotes you'd like. I really want to give something back to this community, and this is something of decent quality I can offer.
Even if they're not used, people can feel free to request a custom emote from me. I quite enjoy making them.
- EDIT -
As per request, the following is a list of all the latest emotes, to save people from having to sift through page after page looking for them.
People seem to enjoy coming up with their own, so here is a blank template:
Last edited by Sean (December 20, 2010 (06:19pm))