Topic: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

There were eight entries to the Kitchen Sink contest this year. The films have been judged by myself, shootinbricks, and minitrue. We had a child guest judge with us for the 6-12 entrants and a group of children judged for the “Audience Choice” award. I was going to write an in depth review of each film but I thought-you want results (it’s been three weeks) -so I’ll save my reviews for the film page.

EDIT: (Links to films are now live.)

The 6-12 age group has four entries.
TP Joe 
Tobias  Winner]
legokingmike217  Audience Choice]

The 13+ group has four entries as well.
Mustache Maniacs  2nd Place]
MySnailEatsPizza  Winner]

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all entrants and judges.

*Highlight to see winners

On a side note:
When I initially announced the contest reactions were mixed. The lack of a theme, a longer time period to animate, and using interactivity to tie it all together led the majority of people to sit this one out. I would be interested to know which component of this contest made you want to pass. Should I host a contest again I’ll need some feedback to make things run well. (You can email me your thoughts, please leave this thread for congratulating the winners.)

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

:-D Congratulations to everyon that entered! All the others that I have seen have been great! Thanks!


Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

I honestly thought everyone's was great. Except mine...
Note: I didn't enter.


Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Congratulations to everybody and thank you!!!

--Sandwïch, sir?--

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Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Congratulations everybody!

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Wow, thanks so much! mini/bigsmile  And congratulations to everyone else, all of the entries were really awesome. Everyone did great! mini/wink

Last edited by Tobias (November 11, 2012 (08:01pm))

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Currently going for the "Most Inactive" BiM award.

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

The only thing that stopped me from entering was that I had a bunch of projects I was working on (and still am). If I hadn't had those projects, I would have totally entered. I loved everything about the contest, I just couldn't find the time in between my projects to finish my entry. But that's just me.

Congrats to the winners!

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

It was it was too long. I once read an article about Kickstarter campaigns about how if they're too long people procrastinate and forget.

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

First off, a belated congratulations to the winners. Good job to all of the entrants as well; just getting a film of this nature completed is a feat in and of itself.

That said, since Mr. Rundown has mentioned it, I think it would be remiss to not address the low turnout this year. Unless I remember incorrectly, Kitchen Sink was actually shorter than TOY by a month or so, and TOY was shorter than Avant-Garde by three months. It's also worth noting that the highest turnout for the three contests was for the longest running: Avant-Garde, with well over 30 entries. TOY had slightly less than 30. Both of these contests ended in the summer, when most of the site population is on holiday, which may have been a boon to entrants who waited until the last minute to make their films. Obviously, a high turnout says nothing of the quality of submissions- I'll leave that judgement up to you.

In theory... well, I can't say I like the idea of shorter contests, but I would probably support it. It's disheartening to think we might have to limit the aspirations of the motivated to garner more entries from those less driven, but it'll hardly be a contest if we keep hemorrhaging contestants at the current rate. Each year the people who produce large, ambitious films seem less inclined to wait for a contest to roll around anyway, so maybe it's a moot argument. I can't speak for Smeagol, but annual contests seem to be losing relevance as the site progresses, so maybe we should just start working toward more community lead seasonal competitions?

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Good Job Guys! It was probably hard enough to make the film in the first place mini/bigsmile

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

I am honored!!!! THANKS!!!! mini/smile mini/smile mini/smile

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Nice job to all the entrants. I admire each of you guys for sticking with the contest, and for each being one of only eight entrants (there were more the other times).
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

I swear a lot more people were intending to enter, but dropped out. Also, the standard of the yearly BiM contest is quite high, so unless an entrant is either brave/good/both then people are likely to be intimidated. I actually made an entry for this contest, but released it early because I didn't think it was good enough (and I wanted to use copyrighted music/sounds, but I was prepared to work around it). Maybe next time I'll just stick my fingers in my ears and enter properly...

I suppose less is more, and it means those who did enter get a lot of attention no matter where they placed.

Max, She/Her

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

I would have entered, but I suddenly became so overwhelmed with homework that I had a lack of time to complete it. Perhaps I will join if this same contest idea is proposed around June-July of 2013. Congrats to the winners!

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Wow! That is a really small amount of entries? Don't we usually get, like 50 for the annual contests?

Even so, congratulations to the winners! I knew that I would not enter this contest because I didn't like the theme and perhaps some people felt this was too specific (like meeee! not the people who have already posted here, because most of them seem like they like the theme but didn't have time.)

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Squash wrote:

I can't speak for Smeagol, but annual contests seem to be losing relevance as the site progresses, so maybe we should just start working toward more community lead seasonal competitions?

I'm inclined to agree that perhaps phasing out official contests and encouraging community-lead contests isn't necessarily a bad idea. There doesn't seem to be any special interest in the site-official contests and sometimes there are advantages to having contests not be site affiliated, like greater flexibility with rules to suit a given contest. THAC is sort of an officially endorsed contest here but other than that there may not be as much of a need anymore.

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

I think it's true that some people are intimidated by the official contests, at least a couple of years ago and earlier all of the top entries were by the brickfilmers who many consider the "greats", people like Nick Durron, Smeagol and FilmyGuy who have been around forever and have inspired a lot of people on this site. The result of this is a lot of people feel that theirs no point in entering when they'll just be overshadowed by the best out there. I think that this year specifically had a poor turnout because of the theme being so specific. The theme is usually based around a very broad idea, that can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways. This year the theme was a structure, not an idea; which I see as much more limiting. I also think that in reality not a lot of people are interested in making an interactive adventure. As soon as I saw the theme I immediately decided I wasn't interested, and I think a lot of people did the same. I'm almost positive there will be more entries next year should there be another official site contest.

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

When is Bim2013 starting?

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

It's still a while until summer gets here, Funmi. That's around the time when they do a new contest.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS

Hopefully someone posts a contest in the next few weeks, so we have something to keep us going until BiM 2013.