Topic: BiM 2012: Kitchen Sink RESULTS
There were eight entries to the Kitchen Sink contest this year. The films have been judged by myself, shootinbricks, and minitrue. We had a child guest judge with us for the 6-12 entrants and a group of children judged for the “Audience Choice” award. I was going to write an in depth review of each film but I thought-you want results (it’s been three weeks) -so I’ll save my reviews for the film page.
EDIT: (Links to films are now live.)
The 6-12 age group has four entries.
TP Joe
Tobias Winner]
legokingmike217 Audience Choice]
The 13+ group has four entries as well.
Mustache Maniacs 2nd Place]
MySnailEatsPizza Winner]
Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all entrants and judges.
*Highlight to see winners
On a side note:
When I initially announced the contest reactions were mixed. The lack of a theme, a longer time period to animate, and using interactivity to tie it all together led the majority of people to sit this one out. I would be interested to know which component of this contest made you want to pass. Should I host a contest again I’ll need some feedback to make things run well. (You can email me your thoughts, please leave this thread for congratulating the winners.)