Topic: Knockout

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This is yet another animation challenge entry.  Hope everyone enjoys!  Feel free to tell me what you think.

Ahhh yeah!!!


Re: Knockout

This is great! The animation, the sound, the camera movements, all perfect. Maybe next time though, you could make the lighting better, because there is quite a bit of flicker, and it's very dark, as well as try to leave your hand out, I saw it a few times. Other than that, flawless! mini/bigsmile

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Re: Knockout

Thanks!!!  About the light flicker I am too lazy to put my blackout over the windows for a small contest but I will probably next time in order to fix some of those problems.

Ahhh yeah!!!


Re: Knockout

He ate the One Ring!!! Wait, wouldn't that make his innards invisible?  mini/twitch

You did a good job with stripping "Boxing" down to it's simplest and most basic form. There's nothing overly creative or original with what you did, but the appeal is all in the execution.

I like the slow-mo at the end, it looks neat, but would look even better if it had been masked.
The punches aren't the smoothest that I've ever seen, but they convey a weight and strength that others do not. They also do a lot better at giving a sense of contact than mine.

Camera angles and cuts are important in fight scenes, but the quick one second cuts from 0:19-0:22 are right in the middle of "Not enough time to see what's going on" and "Good, quick, disorientating fight scene." but then, right after those are done, we have two or three longer 3-4 second cuts. I feel that the balance could have been a bit better, but it's not a huge deal. If you wanted the quicker, wilder style, adding a bit of shaky-cam would have helped a lot. Not too much, but just a bit.

You did a great job, and of the current entries, I expect you to win!

Re: Knockout

Thank you Pritchard!!!  I really enjoy constructive negative feedback.  I agree with you on all of the things said.  The part where he put the ring in his mouth he was supposed to be putting in his mouth piece.

Ahhh yeah!!!


Re: Knockout

Double post I know mini/dizzy
GREAT news!!!  I won the contest.  feel free to give me feedback on my video.

Ahhh yeah!!!
