Topic: GO-Film 2013
Hello and welcome to the first annual Go-Film contest! The purpose of GO Film is to help animators exercise their film making abilities and create modern works that explore new ideas rarely touched in LEGO animation. We are also encouraging film-makers to create films that come in any length, i.e sometimes less is more, a drawn out plot can become tedious and begin to lose quality. Essentially emphasizing quality over quantity!
In order to submit your entry you must read and abide by the following rules:
1) Your entry must be composed of primarily of stop-motion animation and have at least 20 seconds worth. There is no maximum length.
2) Please use LEGO or similar building blocks in your entry, after all, that's what makes it a brickfilm!
3) Use content that is solely your own, or that you have permission to use. Stealing ideas is frowned upon and may do poorly in judging
4) Your film may not contain excessive bad language, sexual themes, or violence. However a small to moderate amount is allowed.
The theme after the numerous delays is, Order and Change, it's an optional theme where the entrants have the choice to combine the 2 or just pick one. They can be taken as seriously as 'Change' in our society to an 'Order' at a restaurant, thus bringing a bigger variety of films we hope.
Feel free to check up the definitions on google for more ideas, etc.
The Deadline for all entries to be received at is the 15th of October at 12:00pm, GMT.
Send us a link or download to your film through a private message on Bricksinmotion, or via E-Mail at '[email protected]'. Your entry must be uploaded to the internet by video sharing sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc. You can publish your film publicly if you wish but at the risk of being copied, so we advise entrants to put their video as unlisted if possible.
The way this contest is going to be judged, is that after all the films are submitted, depending on the total number of entries, I shall make a shortlist of 15 which shall then be sent to the judges. From there the said judges and I shall judge the films based on these categories:
Plot/Story: __/10
Theme Interpretation: __/10
Cinematography: __/10
Animation: __/10
Sound (inclusive of voice acting): __/10
Set Building: __/10
Editing (also accounts for SFX): __/10
Now the bit you've all been waiting for, the prizes! Well, as of yet, we don't have a final deal with any sponsors but we hope to have an agreement soon, hopefully with extensive prizes around about what we got for the FoS 1 & 2 (100$ in all). There will be 3 separate prizes,
1) Best Overall, which will receive the highest prize.
2) Funniest entry, the one that makes judges laugh most, this will receive the 2nd highest prize.
3) Most creative entry, an entry that uses creativity in several fields to deliver a great film, this will receive a prize equal to the Funniest entry.
If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask! If I'm not online please contact my co-host and fellow Judge RealBrick. A video version of the topic shall be uploaded at the same time as the theme is announced for any wondering already!
Last edited by Onion (August 21, 2013 (01:55pm))
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3
Drifter (THAC 11) - Here