Topic: Brickfilm of the Week: Hit & Run (May 8, 2015)
This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is Hit & Run by Nick Maniatis.
Hit & Run depicts a man being called to a meeting place and the events surrounding this from multiple viewpoints. It was made in 2004 by Nick Maniatis for the A Peculiar Event contest on, and ultimately placed second. Nick Maniatis was a well-known member of and is also known for making Good Company, Interference and Dare to be Different.
Most brickfilms, like most stories in general, are told linearly: the story has a beginning that begins at the beginning, and an end that ends at the end. But Hit & Run takes a different approach that is reminiscent of the early Nolan film Memento. Watching Hit & Run multiple times is essentially a requirement, and with each rewatch the story makes more and more sense. Everything is carefully laid out and planned, and executed with precision.
What are your thoughts on Hit & Run? What did you like about it? What do you think of the non-linear storytelling? Did you have a favorite moment?