Topic: Run Yeti Run: Origins

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Run Yeti Run: Origins

Run Yeti Run: Origins

The fourth instalment of the Run Yeti Run series which takes a look back on how and why our Yeti hero first started running.

Re: Run Yeti Run: Origins

Run Yeti Run: Origins is a fun little film. The voice acting is great–enthusiastic performances all around. Also, the paper, nonLEGO elements definitely make this film stand out for the better.

There are, however, several technical issues. For one, there seems to be a lot of light flicker. This is an animators nightmare and something that all brickfilmers experience, I'm sure. If not already, you may want to switch all your camera settings to manual. Diffusing your lights with paper may also help. Finally, wearing dark clothing can also reduce light flicker as the dark material will not reflect the light.

Additionally, the animation could be improved upon. Some of the movements are a bit choppy. Granted, you have incorporated some clever movements, such as in the video game sequence so this is only of minor importance.

On a side note, the "Brick Flicks" logo at the end of the film looks pretty neat!

Re: Run Yeti Run: Origins

Thank you very much for your kind critique.

The tip about the dark clothes is golden I will be sure to implement that from now on and the diffusion paper too.