Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

My gosh, I keep forgetting how new you guys are.


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"But 3D is cool as nipples, man. " - Jimmybob

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

i saw a lego movie called unfaithfull i think it was called but it was a long time ago so i could be wrong and ever since i saw it iv wanted to make my own lego movies and i cant wait to learn mini/bigsmile:D

"11 year olds should dance with girls kiss with tounge and make good things out of this" -- Brick by brick
"What the heck is this underwear business?" -- BertL

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Dr007 wrote:

lego movie

Dr007, around these parts we like to call it a "Brickfilm".

"Lego Movie" is for youtube mini/smile


Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

I think The FIRST brickfilm I saw was w00t By The_Lord_Of_The_Lego, It remains to be one of my favourite ones.

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Will the first film I saw was one I made myself.
I was watching Wallace and Gromit: a close shave and I said after watching, “I wanted to make a stop motion.” So I did it with LEGO as I did not have any Play-Doh anymore, so I made the film with my web cam and windows movie maker. It came out at 1fps LOL mini/lol and will that's the first brick film I saw, I didn’t know there were any other brick films out there till I saw the LEGO Star Wars one on the LEGO site.

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

circle circle dot dot!! by blunty

Project Secret
status:buying bricks and sets

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Dunno. But I know that MindGame was the main guy that inspired me to do brickfilming.

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Oh god... I think I made a grammatical error in the title! AAUGH!

EDIT: Wait... no, no I didn't.

Last edited by Danimation (January 26, 2009 (08:42pm))

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Ahh man, I don't even remember. But I know it was one of those films that were on the LEGO Studios site way back in the day. But my first Brickfilm from however is a toughy, because all I remember was just browsing through the directory watching all the films that I was able to download.

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

I'll take a guess and say it's Pizza Flambe. It's been so long. A google search for lego films. found it

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?


Now I look back on it, I realise how much it sucks.


Max, She/They

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

EmmaExecute wrote:

I saw alot of crappy ones before i actually saw a real one

Same here.
Oopsies! Did I bump? Sorry...

Last edited by Just Kidden (January 26, 2009 (08:42pm))

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

That's okay.

Gives me a chance to share this old gem that I recently re-discovered: Anti-D by protowrxs. It's really good considering it was a THAC entry.

Smile and say hello to people. It costs you nothing and can brighten their day.

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

The first one was probably an attempt by rstudios. We had been to the National Media Museum in Bradford and Robert had had a go at a very basic stop motion workshop. We came back from that and set up our own rig, with which he animated toy cars and later Lego. Next came the Steven Spielberg set and finally Rob discovered Brickfilms.

On the Monty Python & the Holy Grail DVD is the spiteyourface version of the Camelot musical number, done expertly in Lego. This was probably the first good brickfilm I saw.

I drink, therefore I think I can!

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Blunty's Circle Circle Dot Dot is the first I can remember.


Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Samuri by Blunty.

I'll dash you on that rock!
Long pause.
Thats not a rock. Its more like a boulder.

Skye Sweeney

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Teh White Ninja (Hai!) great movie, probably one of the best i've seen....


Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

Hear No Evil - Bluntmation

I loved it.


Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

The first brickfilm i saw was The 501st legion, the cofederacy strikes. Very good movie:)

Re: What's the first brickfilm you saw?

The first brickfilm I ever saw was Lego-Moving Bricks