Topic: Ricky's Adventure

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Ricky's Adventure


Follow Ricky, a simple, curious minifigure, on his unpredictable journey!

This brickfilm represents over five months of work. I wanted to keep it light as far as special effects go, which pushed me to do as much in-camera as possible.

I was going for a silent film sort of feel here. I've always been a fan of how the voices were done in the earlier LEGO TT Games and I wanted to recreate that to a degree. As such, this brickfilm uses a lot of Kevin MacLeod's awesome loyalty-free musical work to compliment the silent film feel.

It is not perfect, and few brickfilms are. But, personally, it is my best LEGO animation to date. I hope you enjoy it!

NOTE: Some things I am already aware of:
- Notable camera shake in multiple scenes
- A bit of light flickering here and there
- Some lost audio samples in some of the voiceovers
- Post-credit voice line was somehow glitched during rendering
- And other stuff that I forgot

(Constructive) criticism is more than welcome, of course!

Now that I have completed this brickfilm, I plan on taking a break from LEGO stop-motion animation and try something new; clay-mation!

YouTube | Twitter | My Blog We are always in the process of becoming complete.

Re: Ricky's Adventure

Thank you for putting No Mega Blocks at the end!
I hate those things.

Awesome work!

Re: Ricky's Adventure

Super_Squid wrote:

Thank you for putting No Mega Blocks at the end!
I hate those things.

Awesome work!

Thank you!

YouTube | Twitter | My Blog We are always in the process of becoming complete.

Re: Ricky's Adventure

A very enjoyable film! In particular, I really liked the framing of the opening scene and the sense of scale it gave off. I also liked the parody feel of the fight scene and how you made each era visually distinctive. It's a shame this film has been released now because it probably could have made part of an excellent entry to the Sight & Sound competition.

As you said, there was a small bit of light flicker and some camera bumps but they didn't really detract from the film overall. I think the film could have been even better if there was more a link between the different scenes though.

I look forward to seeing more of your stuff in future! (even if it is clay-mation mini/wink)

Last edited by BoatsAreRockable (June 5, 2016 (12:27pm))

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Re: Ricky's Adventure

Definitely your best work. The barber and comic book hero scenes were clever, and the all around visuals of the portal space were very nice. I would have liked to have seen more of a story linking the vignettes together to make a more coherent film. Animation is just a way to tell stories; this took me a while to figure out. As your technical skills improve, don't neglect your abilities as a story teller, that's just as important, if not more, and I'd say harder to improve, I'm certainly still struggling. That being said, you did a nice job, I was entertained. mini/smile

Re: Ricky's Adventure

Backyard already hit what is probably my biggest critique so I'll move on to some of the great things about this film.

The portal set's lighting was one of the highlights, and when combined with the pretty camera angles, the final result looked great. The barber-shop scene was fun, and the simplicity of the joke was certainly its strength. There's something gloriously retro about the choice of going with a Sharpie-drawn head, and the Lego game like 'dialog' added to that effect.

It's not a complex film, but it doesn't try to be, and is the better for it.
Thanks for sharing it!