Topic: [Sight & Sound] Draw

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Draw - [Sight & Sound]


Here it is! My entry to S&S. This was kind of a big experiment for me - I tried several things new (and I'm not entirely sure how they turned out mini/tongue ). But hey, I'm happy with how the film itself is as a whole, and I finished it in time for the contest!

Last edited by Mighty Wanderer (August 31, 2016 (06:44pm))

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

Wow. That was amazing.
This fit the contest theme perfectly. I hope you place well!


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"Do everything you do for the glory of the one who made you.."

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

Incredibly beautiful film, as far as the visuals and sound design go, though I'm not really sure I "got" the story, if there even was one. The animation, lighting, etc. were all very well done. An excellent audio-visual experience. mini/smile

Also, that door. I was like "Dang, that is some excellent sound effects work."

Last edited by backyardlegos (August 31, 2016 (09:50pm))

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

One of the strangest, yet also of the best entries. You seemed to perhaps focus more on the visuals than that of the story, but it was awesome nonetheless. I may need to watch this quite a few times to truly understand what was going on, but I have no problem in watching your great work once again.

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

First off, I just gotta say... I have no clue whatsoever what the heck was going on mini/tongue

On a technical level, this film was very well done. The sound design was among the best I've seen in any brickfilm and basically flawless. The animation, while perhaps not quite as standout as your last film, was also very good.

However, I have to admit I felt the pacing was quite slow, and that along with the seemingly unintelligible plot really made it hard for me too keep interest for the whole length of the film. Nevertheless, it was still a good entry. Best of luck in the contest.

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Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

This is a good looking entry. I absolutely loved the office set and the following transition. The film did seem to carry on a little and I'm not sure I understood the story either. Is there a correlation between the two main subjects? I got a really cool abstract vibe from the film which is a nice quality. The dramatic buildup at the end was fantastic and especially effective but I couldn't help but feel like the ending didn't really capitalize on that.. big moment... I could be missing something. The sound design was excellent! Was the magnifying glass shot done in post? That was a really neat bit.

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

Thanks, guys! Yeah, the plot definitely different. mini/tongue

backyardlegos wrote:

Also, that door. I was like "Dang, that is some excellent sound effects work."

Haha, thanks. Probably 99% of the sfx here were recorded somewhere in my house - that door happens to be the door to the backyard in the garage. Nice and squeaky. xD

VN wrote:

Was the magnifying glass shot done in post? That was a really neat bit.

Bad picture, but:

By the way, I have a ton of footage and photos from while I was making this, so hopefully I can slap together a BTS video sometime by the end of the month. mini/tongue

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

It was just incredible! The SFX, Smooth animation, Set design and the main character appearance.
But the scene where he stared at the spider was a bit long and the magnifying glass was opaque; I was waiting for it to be clear, but nothing happened! Also, the story was unclear and I got nothing from it, as others mentioned.

VN wrote:

I absolutely loved the office set

Me too mini/bigsmile

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

This is the film that I felt can definitely win the contest. It's enough cryptic, visually stunning, sound effects were well done. The one thing I didn't fully like was the music. It sometimes felt to me out of place, but that's me. Also to praise are: set lighting, set build, and editing.

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

I agree on VN with this one. Set and lighting design are excellent. I also enjoyed that early office scene. During my initial viewing of this film, I sensed that there could be a really awesome, abstract, connection between the two subjects. I was truly expecting a WOW moment, but unfortunately, that moment never came (at least for me). I don't fully understand the story of this film, but I do believe it had great potential.

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

I was impressed by this film, especially by the set design and lighting.

Was this entire animation done with a c920, or was it only used for the magnifying glass effect?


"If you find a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

Wonderful entry, Mighty! This is a very impressive brickfilm!

Every aspect of the film works well; whether it be the lighting, the animation, the set design, or of course, the sound design. I also love the unconventional story-it was a cool experience to just enjoy the world you created and come up with my own interpretation of the film.

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

The set design, animation and sound design were perfect. The plot was a little hard to understand, though. I'll rewatch later.

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

Such a wild different brickfilm!  It's got an abstract "plot" and is visually stunning, and certainly is a S&S theme.

It's also very cool to demonstrate that brickfilms don't have to be "boxed in" to a certain kind of animation.  It can be conceptual, rather than story-based!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

I’m gonna play an art house card here…

Just (somewhat) kidding. I realize the story wasn’t very clear, and that was partially intentional but I guess I should have paid closer attention to the presentation. Ah well, deadlines are fun. mini/bigsmile

But in all honesty, I am very satisfied with how the important facets turned out – specifically the visuals and sound, which are what I focused on mainly for the contest.

Thanks so much for the feedback, all of you! I really love getting critique on my films. mini/wink

And while I’m here, I just uploaded a behind-the-scenes video!

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

How do you make this kind of smooth animation? it looks really cool! mini/smile  how many fps is it? mini/bigsmile

Re: [Sight & Sound] Draw

STOPandMOTION wrote:

How do you make this kind of smooth animation? it looks really cool! mini/smile  how many fps is it? mini/bigsmile

Thanks! I filmed the whole thing at 15 FPS (though, if I recall correctly, there are a handful of shots that I tweaked a bit in post to slow them down/speed them up a tiny bit).