Re: Day of Vengeance (Western) Production Log

Awesome. Can't wait!

Re: Day of Vengeance (Western) Production Log

Part II is out! click here to discuss and view the new segment! Tomorrow, Part III together with a full cut will be released!!

You can also rate the film so far released on the directory page of the segmented version!

Re: Day of Vengeance (Western) Production Log

Part III is out!

Take a look at it here and rate on the directory for the segmented version! Two hours from now, the full version will be finally released!

Re: Day of Vengeance (Western) Production Log

The full version is finally out! Be sure to rate on the directory!


This is my final brick film, at least, for a while. For the next three years I most definitely won't be able to do more brick films, despite all the plans I originally had.
I started watching brick films around the age of 6-7, and shortly after attempted at doing some, although it would be exaggerated to call those works "brickfilms" (you cannot find them on my page).
I don't think I ever became a skilled brickfilmer. Partly because I always focused less on animation than other aspects of the brickfilm, partly because I didn't have the necessary hardware (all films before the Nine Billion Names of God where shot with a tourist camera).
That's also because I always saw brickfilming as a mean to tell stories that in live-action could be big-budget movies.
I thank all those brickfilmers who inspired me in trying to do these works, and all those who, in a way or another, supported my work. Thank you.