Topic: A Announcement
16 years ago today, opened its doors in the form of Thomas Foote's personal website for his brickfilms. In 2008 it became the home of a new brickfilming community, as it has been ever since.
In February of 2009, I took over from Schlaeps as the admin and later owner of the site. As career and personal responsibilities have taken more and more of my time, I've decided that after eight years it is now time for me to pass the torch.
I'm excited to announce that, effective immediately, Seán Willis aka Penta will be the chief administrator of He's been an active leader on the site for years and our expectation is that any changes will be gradual. I'll stay on as site owner and still be around to help out with the transition as needed; I don't plan to leave the community altogether.
While improvements will likely be incremental and take some time to implement, I'm optimistic that over time, Penta will find new ways to improve the site and reinvigorate the community it serves. Part of this will be an eventual update of the overall website that has been in the works for a few years, but which I've not been able to commit enough time for executing.
I'd like to wish Penta luck on this new endeavor and thank him for agreeing to take on the time and work involved. He has a strong passion for the hobby and the community, having worked extensively for years on the brickfilms wikia. For the time being, the rest of the site staff (moderators, etc.) will stay the same.
Finally, I'd like to thank everybody who has supported this site and community, and supported me, over the years. This is a community site and all of you make what has been accomplished here possible. This is somewhat difficult for me because I'll miss running the site, which has been a big part of my life the past eight years, but I know that Penta will be able to commit more time and work into making it the best it can be, so I feel confident that good things will come of this.