Topic: A Announcement

16 years ago today, opened its doors in the form of Thomas Foote's personal website for his brickfilms. In 2008 it became the home of a new brickfilming community, as it has been ever since.

In February of 2009, I took over from Schlaeps as the admin and later owner of the site. As career and personal responsibilities have taken more and more of my time, I've decided that after eight years it is now time for me to pass the torch.

I'm excited to announce that, effective immediately, Seán Willis aka Penta will be the chief administrator of He's been an active leader on the site for years and our expectation is that any changes will be gradual. I'll stay on as site owner and still be around to help out with the transition as needed; I don't plan to leave the community altogether.

While improvements will likely be incremental and take some time to implement, I'm optimistic that over time, Penta will find new ways to improve the site and reinvigorate the community it serves. Part of this will be an eventual update of the overall website that has been in the works for a few years, but which I've not been able to commit enough time for executing.

I'd like to wish Penta luck on this new endeavor and thank him for agreeing to take on the time and work involved. He has a strong passion for the hobby and the community, having worked extensively for years on the brickfilms wikia. For the time being, the rest of the site staff (moderators, etc.) will stay the same.

Finally, I'd like to thank everybody who has supported this site and community, and supported me, over the years. This is a community site and all of you make what has been accomplished here possible. This is somewhat difficult for me because I'll miss running the site, which has been a big part of my life the past eight years, but I know that Penta will be able to commit more time and work into making it the best it can be, so I feel confident that good things will come of this.

Re: A Announcement

Congratulations Penta!

Re: A Announcement

Congratulations to Penta! He has been a great driver in the creation of the brickfilms wiki and a constant positive presence in the community, both as a director and as a helpful voice on the forums. I'm very excited to see what he has in store for the future of BricksinMotion.

And a big thanks to Smeagol for his years of service. As admin he gave up his own time and money to run this site and stuck things out even when real life commitments made it difficult. He did a wonderful job and I'm glad to hear he'll be helping out with the transition.

Re: A Announcement

I can't think of a better person to take over the chief admin responsibilities–congratulations, Penta!

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to Sméagol for running the site all these years. There had to have been a great deal of dedication and tireless work to build a site as good as this one. On a personal note, BiM has been a real home for me and I am forever grateful for the community here mini/smile

Re: A Announcement

Congrats Penta! Good luck, and thanks for all your hard work and dedication over the years, Sméagol.


Last edited by Brickman (March 31, 2017 (03:49pm))

Re: A Announcement

Congrats Seán! I'm super excited to be working with Seán. We collaborate a lot on the Brickfilms Wiki and the Brickfilms Archive, and I am confident he will do great with Bricks in Motion.

I've had a great time working with Philip over the years. He brought a lot to Bricks in Motion. Thank you for all your hard work!

Re: A Announcement

Penta is the perfect choice. He is a really nice person, he is always supportive, and gives very good advice. He is very experienced in filmmaking and was one of the first people to really welcome me when I joined BIM 2 years ago. He is a really great guy, and I look forward to seeing him as head of Bricksinmotion.

As for Smeagol, he has been an exceptional admin. He has really shaped the forum so well since he started in 2009 and I hope he stays active on the forums and on the chat.

Congratulations, Penta - You absolutely deserve this 100%. I wish you luck and thank you Smeagol for your contribution to this wonderful site!

Re: A Announcement

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords--wait...

Re: A Announcement

Thanks Smaegol for all your work for this community. Hope you stay around.

Good luck as the new Admin, Penta!


"If you find a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra

Re: A Announcement

Thank you Smeagol for all the work you've done to foster this wonderful community and make this site what it is today. Penta, good luck as the new Admin, I can't think of anyone better suited for the job. mini/smile

Re: A Announcement

Thank you for everything you've done for the community, Philip.  BiM is truly a wonderful and one-of-a-kind community, and I am proud to have been a part of it while under your watch, even if I've only been a small part and haven't been able to be as active in recent times.  I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. 

Also a huge welcome to Seán!  I can't think of a person more qualified to lead this site, and I can't wait to see what he'll bring to the proverbial table.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: A Announcement

C'mon, guys. The date is all too convenient. I'm not buying it.

However, if this is true, I can't think of anyone better suited for the job than Penta.

Re: A Announcement


Re: A Announcement

Penta is probably the best choice you could make, has devoted a lot of work to community projects like the archive and wikia, congrats Penta. mini/smile

Re: A Announcement

All the best to both of you.

Re: A Announcement

yay penta! mini/bigsmile  and thank you Smeagol for the time you lead us all  mini/cat  good luck Penta!

Re: A Announcement

congrats  Penta!

Re: A Announcement

Congratulations, Penta! You're a cool dude with some of the biggest passion for the community out of any of us! I'm sure that you'll lead the website to new greatness!

And a huge thanks to Smeag for all your years serving the community! You've really shaped a lot of what this hobby is, both with your work as a filmmaker and an admin, so you've left with a pretty good resume! Good luck in all your life endeavors!
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: A Announcement

Congratulations, Penta! I'm sure you'll be a great admin and I look forward to the future.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: A Announcement

Congrats Penta! And thank you Smeagol for serving us to the best of your ability all these years!