Topic: What Really Happened to Kim Jong-Un

What Really Happened to Kim Jong-Un

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Released: May 12, 2020
Content Advisory: no violence, no language, no sexual content

Rumors are swirling about Kim Jong-un's location and health. Sometimes the Supreme Leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un just needs a little space. This is the real reason behind Kim Jong Un's disappearance.

The second film to be completed in 1 week on my channel. The first was a 2011 brawl entry and I have to say it's a fun challenge!

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Re: What Really Happened to Kim Jong-Un

Pardon the Face Animation, it was rushed and I'm not the best illustrator

Re: What Really Happened to Kim Jong-Un

I really really liked it. The polish is all there, and the goofy humour fits so well and is hillarious.
Reminds me of Pantsahat back when he made good videos instead of the same hippo joke over and over.
The part with the human hand kills me every time I watch this. It’s so unexpected.

Re: What Really Happened to Kim Jong-Un

Nice film!

You did a good job of mimicking the anime style with quick cuts, flashy backgrounds, and choice music. I like especially how it rivaled the "regular" scenes of the office, and more serious tone of the cafe.

The sets were also really nice. I was impressed how much detail was in the simple facade's of the street stores.

Yes, it's homemade, fresh from the toaster oven.