Thanks for all the great comments guys
The Battle Droid wrote:The aspect ratio however was quite awkward especially at the beginning. You also might want to do just a bit more explaining next time.
I completely agree with you on both fronts. The problem of the aspect ratio is the result of the fact that I had to brickfilm on PC for the first time with programs I'd never used before, and through that learning curve there were some hiccups. I agree that the story was a bit rushed, I probably bit off a little more than I could chew with the time I had, but I'm still pleased with how it turned out.
Stud Studios wrote:I was a bit disappointed when he died at the end
I thought someone might say that
I just didn't want it to have that hollywood style ending where the protaganist is triumphant against all odds. Kind of an unpleasant suprise if you know what I mean.
Thanks again, I'm glad you all liked it!