Topic: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

The results are in!

Thank you to everyone who entered and supported the AniExer-size Animation Contest! There were some very good entries out of the 201 submissions.

After painstaking judging, we have chosen the following:

1st - The Game by Fancypants

2nd - Cheese Chase by CheeseyBricks

Information regarding the prizes will be PMed via Youtube to the winners, congratulations to these two fine animators!

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats Fancy and Cheese! mini/smile

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats to all participants.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

We won! Sweet!  I can't tell you how helpful all that LEGO is going to be mini/bigsmile

Congratulations to everyone who entered and especially CheeseyBricks on his great film.  Thanks again VN for the great contest.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Good job to all participants. Too bad I didn't have time to enter mini/sad .

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Great job to everyone. The Game was just a brilliant film.

You can do anything, just have fun while doing it.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congratulations Fancypants and CheeseyBricks mini/smile

^Click to watch

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats to the winners! Well deserved! And well done everyone else. mini/smile

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

[Don't think I can delete my account, so I'll just leave this here instead: mini/blankexpression]

Last edited by DTVision (January 28, 2016 (03:07pm))

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats Fancypants and CheeseyBricks!

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congratulation fancypants and cheeseybricks...who's third?

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats guys. Great contest. mini/smile

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

MPfist0 wrote:

Congratulation fancypants and cheeseybricks...who's third?

The Chase by filmyguy, but unfortunately, there are only two winners. I think that may change in the next one.

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats FancyPants and CheeseyBricks! I can't believe I hadn't seen The Game before... it was fantastic.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congratulations Fancypants and CheeseyBricks you truley deserved
to win. Enjoy buying your LEGO.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Congrats to the winners! mini/bigsmile
Click above to watch mini/bigsmile
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Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

This is probally the best results I have ever seen. Two deserving, yet underrated winners.

I take my fedora off to both of you.


Max, She/Her

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

mini/twitch  You have a fedora?

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Not anymore. He just took it off.

Max Butcher wrote:

This is probally the best results I have ever seen. Two deserving, yet underrated winners.

That's a very good way of describing it.

Re: AniExer-size Animation Contest: RESULTS!

Thanks alot for this awesome contest, I can't tell you how happy I am. Just out of interest, is there any limitation on the winners entering future AniExcer-size competitions?

Time to get some bricks mini/delirium