Topic: The Animation Challenge
Welcome to the BiM Animation Challenge thread!
The purpose of this thread is to identify particular movements, characters, and situations that are difficult to animate and then figuring out new ways to overcome those challenges.
How does it work?
Once a theme has been chosen, the community has a set amount of time to make an entry (usually a week). Once the deadline has passed, the member who chose the theme will judge the entries and decide which of the entries matched up to the challenge the best. The winner will then choose the new theme, and the cycle continues. The thread title should change to match the current challenge, but if it doesn't you'll just have to go search for it
... Okay there are no prizes technically, but you will get that warm fuzzy feeling that you get from beating everyone else
Lightsaber duel: Fancypants
Moonwalk: Filmyguy
Spin Heel Kick: Filmyguy
Car Throw-:Filmyguy
Super Human Speed: Bloogyo
Zombie Walk: VIMStudios
Wall-To-Wall Jump: Filmyguy
Wall Smash- NXTManiac
Wall Run- Filmfire96
Bricksplosion- NXTManiac
Monster Transformation- Squash
Hamming it Up- mobiledeli
Exercise- UniLego
Fall and Make Crater- BGanimations
Climbing- twickabrick
Rappelling- Motion Studios Films
Getting Dressed- goldencamerastudios
Playing an Instrument- NXTManiac
Horse Walk- Jay Silver
Falling Down Stairs- CrazyEd
Jumping Out of a Window- Hazzat
Dancing- Brickyman
Chopping Down a Tree- LGFB Studios
Throwing A Ball Against A Wall- ZP
Starting A Fire- Filmyguy
Car Chase- RedBeard
Running Into a Wall and Making a Dent- goldencamerastudios
Swimming- CrazyEd
Free running- Boardron
Boardsports- Jay Silver
Robots at work- MadBrick
Digging a hole- Stan the Lego Man
Golfing- boardron
Jacking Up A Car- Flash Code
Ice Skating- Funtastic Films
Flying A Plane- ZachFB Studios
Extreme Pain- FuntasticFilms
Slipping- twickabrick
Telekinesis- ZachFBStudios
Cannon Ball- Brick8
Making An Entrance- AnnoyingNoisesProductions
Slow-Motion- boardron
Earthquake- Keesret
Homerun- websitecommissie
Dirty Sword Fight- AnnoyingNoisesProductions
Dreams- Hazzat
Reflections- RedBeard
Romance- AnnoyingNoisesProductions
Magic- ZP
Crashing- CrazyEd
Cartoon Physics- Chris W.
Acrobatics- MPfist0
Brick Animation- boardron
Painting- ZP
The Matrix- boardron
Getting Run Over- backyardlegos
Classic Comedy Gag- Funtastic Films
Unwrapping A Present- Brick-Movie
Getting A Haircut- Eagle Studios
Doing Chores- animationIsaac
Walking On a Smooth Surface- 1011ev
Getting Electrocuted (without VFX)- Brick-Movie
Low Gravity/minifig in space- Repelling Spider
A Day at the Beach/Lake- animationisaac
Growing Hair- A Repelling Spider
Knocking Something Over - ShutterBroke
Impaling- Loïc F-B
Walking On Stilts- animationisaac
Growing A Plant- Shutterbroke
Camouflage- ZachFBStudios
Juggling- Repelling Spider
Getting Abducted By An Alien- Shutterbroke
Jumping Off A Moving Vehicle- 1011Ev
Getting Hit By A Falling Object- animationIsaac
Flipping A Coin- Mout studios
Shooting A Crossbow/Bow- Clonecam
Breaking A Board- animationIsaac
Shooting A Gun (Without VFX)- MindGame
Dance Number- TtownStudios
Fencing- AnnoyingNoiseProductions
Easting/Cooking- minifig051
Flipping Tables- animationIsaac
Water- Chiro
Attacked By A Swarm Of Insects- Loïc F-B
Snake- thefourmonkeys
Walking On An Old, Damaged Bridge- Pritchard Studios
Swinging On A Rope/Vine- thefourmonkeys
Bowling- Legosword89
Sneaking- Nasrsarian
Awkward Situation- Repelling Spider
Unique/Interesting Walk Cycle - Squid
Camera Movement - Pritchard Studios
Quick Camera Movement - Pritchard Studios
Kicking - ScreamingTantrum
Super Hero Action(s) - That1LegoKid
Quickbuild - MrMingleProductions
Replacement Animation - PushOverProductions
Skydiving - ENDfilms
Talking - GHB Productions
Teleportation - OsomStudios
Street Biking- GEF
Boxing- TtownStudios
Food Fight- BackyardLegos
Scaring Someone's Pants/Socks Off- megagill74
Surfing- VerkkuUkkeliProductions
Wind: Cooked Cat
Aggressive Driving of a Car: TheFourMonkeys
Microscale Brickfilm: Rockydude411Bricks
Fist Fighting: MrMingleProductions
Front Flip: Clonecam Studios
Zero-Gravity: Coolcube Studios
Ridiculously Oversized Weapon: Coolcube Studios
Kicking a ball: Jampot
Updated through Page 495.
Last edited by Fancypants (May 16, 2011 (09:58pm))