Topic: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

It hadn't sold any coffee in a long time, and, free Wi-Fi aside, I just don't think it was serving its purpose anymore.  It had become a distraction.

After a fair amount of discussion the staff concluded unanimously that while a sense of community is important, the Coffee Shop has really just become a source of problems and distractions lately for much of the community.  We'd like to try to encourage a return to what used to make this community a great place: discussion of filmmaking, the hobby the community shares.  We have a chat room for the purpose of getting to know others in the community, if that's what you're craving, feel free to use it.

If you're here to complain, this is the thread for that.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

Would be nice if we had a chat that worked to substitute the coffee shop then....

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

Yaaay, Plan B!

I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

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Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I for one do not like this "Plan B".
The coffee shop had it's flaws, but removing it entirely was a step too far.


Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I'd have to say, The Coffee Shop has to be at least 75% of the recent issues. But getting rid of it completely is a little unfair.

Last edited by PanPeteProductions (July 3, 2010 (02:13pm))

After a five year hiatus, I have returned

THAC 8: The Cleanup

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"



Half of me is happy that it was closed.

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I like this idea, this will create focus on actual filmmaking instead of other 'stuff'.
I am going to miss a few threads though, oh well.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

Yes! That's a great idea. Thank you so much.

Another reason this is a great idea, is we can just talk to each other about random things on twitter. mini/tongue


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I am a bit disappointed in this, I rather enjoyed that section.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

And right when I got back on this site too.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I see the warroom is gone too.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"


Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

It is quite different.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I'll miss the caption contest. mini/sad

After a five year hiatus, I have returned

THAC 8: The Cleanup

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

Of course, it did solve quite alot of problems, but I'm not sure if it was the right decision to remove it.
Yes, this is a filmmaking site, but we also need a place were we can talk about unrelated stuff -The Coffee Shop. Moving to another site, just to talk about what you got, or what you like just seems a bit odd. You're not the same people on another site. So going to Twitter for saying that you got a new DVD seems fine, but only half the people here would see it.

There were alot of bad stuff in there, yes, but there were also good stuff. Stuff that was made to be there. Not on another site. Also brickflim related stuff was there. So, maybe it should be cleaned alot of all the smaller, and rather unnessary threads, and leave the bigger, and better left. We lost Café Corner for example. There was alot of good stuff in there. And The Love Thread. Were we Brickfilmers can talk about love. Again, moving to another site won't solve that.

Don't get me wrong, I love the site, but The Coffee Shop was a good forum/thread in here. If this is the decision, we'll move on. mini/smile

Edit: Whoops. Seems like The War Room was taken too. mini/sad

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I'm glad that the war room is gone, but not so much the coffee shop. Could we at least have another cafe corner thread in the updates and feedback?

I do not care about your opinion, unless it has to do with it needing more ponies.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I think it's right to remove it.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I see you also changed the "Technique" forum into "Production"

I personally like technique better.

I do not care about your opinion, unless it has to do with it needing more ponies.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

I'm kinda glad that the Coffee Shop forum is closed because of all of the problems it has caused, but I'm still a little mad that it's gone completely. I mean, we all brickfilm, but we can't all just only talk about filmmaking. I think we kinda got to get to know each other better through threads like Cafe Corner, and it's fun having discussions about the World Cup , etc.

Re: The Closing of "The Coffee Shop"

Well...this will reduce the population down to a quarter.