Topic: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]
With a huge demand for a month long contest, “Septemberfest” now means more than a month long celebration of a brickfilm that can only be described as a cult-classic. It is now an annual contest running from the 1st of September until the 30th of September. Please note that although Septemberfest is named thus both because of the month it’s being held in AND in honour of a certain brickfilm, it is not directly TCOTY related. Connecting your film to TCOTY in some way will not earn you extra points in the judging process.
The contest will be run similarly to THAC and BRAWL contests.
Just to make things crystal clear, Septemberfest is the official month-long Bricks In Motion contest.
The theme for Septemberfest 2010 is No Dialogue. Now, whilst dialogue is primarily defined as "conversation between two or more persons ", we also don't want to hear any monologues or the like.
The purpose of this theme is to tell a story without words. The only exemption are the film titles/credits. Songs with lyrics/singing count as dialogue.
Your entry must:
1. Be primarily composed of stop-motion animation. 3D, Flash, or other animation techniques may be used to in addition to stop-motion as long as the finished product is at least 50% stop-motion animation.
2. Use LEGO or similar building toys as primary elements.
3. Not contain adult language, excessive violence or sexual themes.
4. Contain only images, sounds, music, and story material which you have the rights to distribute.
5. There is no maximum or minimum running time requirement. Remember, quality over quantity.
6. Include the BrickScope logo/site URL in the entry's credits.
The deadline for submissions will be Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 11:59PM UTC time (Greenwich Mean Time). You can enter your films as early as you wish however they cannot be made public until after the deadline (September 30th). Films submitted after this time will be disqualified.
No trademarked properties which might be confused with commercial enterprises may be used. This means you cannot use storylines based on characters from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, or other trademarked series. You cannot base your work on copyrighted material; however, old works that are now in the public domain are acceptable source material.
All material included in films submitted must be original, or content that you have expressed permission to use. If you use content that is not your own, you must be able to provide proof that you have received permission to include it in your film. All music must be credited, even if you made it yourself.
There are a couple of ways you can submit your film. You only have to submit it once.
1. Upload your video to YouTube with the “Private” setting. You will have to allow access to the YouTube accounts of the Septemberfest 2010 judging panel (YET TO BE DECIDED) along with a message stating that it is your entry for Septemberfest 2010 and your BiM username. The advantage of this is that after the deadline, you can simply change it to “Public”.
2. Upload your video to YouTube as "Unlisted". You must then send the video link to the username "Septemberfest" on the BiM forums as well as your name. This may be the easiest of the options as again, after the deadline, you can simply change it to “Public”. You may not share this link with any persons other than the judging panel (via the BiM account "Septemberfest").
3. Send a private message in the BiM forums to username “Septemberfest” including your name and a link to download the entry. We will accept .avi, .mov, and .wmv formats.
The submitted films will be judged on two factors by the judging panel (YET TO BE DECIDED). These factors will be the story and the presentation.
3rd place will receive a $30 gift certificate at BrickScope
2nd place will receive a $50 gift certificate at BrickScope
1st place will receive a $70 gift certificate at BrickScope
In addition to the contest prizes, BrickScope is offering the following promotion to all contest entrants:
• All entrants of Septemberfest 2010 contest are entitled to 5% off any orders with free shipping on minifigs, animals and minifig utensils or body parts. To claim this discount, provide your BiM forum username and the name of the contest film you are working on in the order comments section on BrickLink.
Here are some links to .png files of the BiM logo, the BrickScope logo (1 and 2), and the Septemberfest logo.
Note that I may update this thread with further details and such before September 1st. Before you start your entry, make sure you read all the details again to make sure you have all the required information.
Last edited by Sean (October 1, 2010 (04:15am))