Re: The Love Thread!

Ask. mini/smile

Re: The Love Thread!


Nah, kidding. Hmm, yes I'd say she 'likes' you.

As for your age, it's quite natural to start being attracted to the opposite sex around this time. My beef with it is that usually, kids this age can't handle having relationships properly, they're too immature. However, it's up to you to decide whether or not you're ready, I can't really say yea or nay.

Good luck yo.

I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

deviantART | YouTube

Re: The Love Thread!

Whittleberry wrote:
seaforce110 wrote:

I'm in love with my LQP 9000!

Congratulations. You have a more meaningful relationship with your partner than most of the other posters in this thread mini/lol

You're just jealous!!! mini/yes

Re: The Love Thread!

Could everyone posting a love episode here not write 1000 paged book about it as if it's an epic love drama like Romeo and Juliet ? I mean seriously ...


Re: The Love Thread!

I only read the second half, so just ignore this if you want to.

Pro tip: when someone says 'lol' on FB, it doesn't mean that they're laughing, or even found it funny. Lol is used as a fallback 99% of the time just to respond to something. People just use it so as not to appear rude by not replying.

Anyway, sorry if this isn't what you want to hear, but just enjoy being young. In a few years your life is gonna be thrown around and completely messed up. Enjoy the time you've got, don't go on facebook and talk to that girl, ask her if you want to go walk down to the park with the dogs or whatever, just be friends. Having good friends with you is infinitely more important than a week long relationship when you're 13. Get a relationship in highschool if you want, but for now, you're better off making the girls close to you your friends. I had my first girlfriend (haha, I feel like such a loser using that phrase) about a month ago. We went out for a school social, but we hardly ever saw each other and it broke off after two weeks. It was pointless but it was fun while it lasted. Not being in a relationship when you're young isn't going to be the end of your social life.

Re: The Love Thread!

Bricklord wrote:

So how's things going for ya now, T.G?

I wasn't planning for telling you guys, but ok:

Date went fine, everything went fine actually, but after some days she suddenly said that she didn't want to get a relationship with me, or (how she said it) everyone. It was like a frikkin' knife into my stumic and I was sad and angry and even agressive at the same time. How could she do this to me? She began to flirt with me and after a few days and a date she suddenly blows everything off. Which began in a soft arguement, turned into a fight when another friend (which was on HER side) started to mind his buisness with it.

She didn't talk to me for days then, and I was more sad than ever before, mostly because I didn't had anyone to talk about it. After I phoned one of my good friends and explained what happened, things got a bit better. The girl's best friend talked to me about what happened and I came to the conclusion that she just didn't knew if she was ready for it, and I had reacted like a giant ass.

Days past (and many love songs were written) before she actually did talk to me again. The vacation was over and she suddenly started to talk with me about German Class, almost like she wanted to forget what I had done. We are kind off ''friends'' again, but I still feel that there's something between us, something that made us both very sad.

The question is, can I go talk to her again and just try to explain that I'm very sorry, or just forget it, be friends and never talk about it again? Something you should know: I'm still crazy 'bout her.


vik wrote:

Could everyone posting a love episode here not write 1000 paged book about it as if it's an epic love drama like Romeo and Juliet ? I mean seriously ...

I understand that you're kinda annoyed because 12 year olds are writing it, but I hope you understand mine is more... well mature. I'm talking about a REAL relationship. Kissing is not even important. I love her as I never loved anyone.

Last edited by T.G-Tom (May 29, 2010 (08:11am))

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''


Re: The Love Thread!

Isn't it obvious? She wanted your sex, dude.

Re: The Love Thread!

BertL wrote:

Isn't it obvious? She wanted your sex, dude.

She's not really like that, mostly because if she wanted that she doesn't should pick me.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: The Love Thread!

No worries, I just mean people who stretch it to the extreme adding every possible detail there is.

Re: The Love Thread!

Lol facebook sucks.

And I liek this thread.

Re: The Love Thread!

vik wrote:

No worries, I just mean people who stretch it to the extreme adding every possible detail there is.


Glad that I've stopped doing that.


And T.G, I've always found it best to apologize.

Last edited by Bricklord (May 29, 2010 (03:31pm))

I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

deviantART | YouTube

Re: The Love Thread!

If there is a thread where I can get a good laugh out, it's this one.
And Kinzcove, how could we know if she likes you, we don't even know the girl personly.
youtube]                   Twitter]

Re: The Love Thread!

I judged by the fact that her parents said she talks about him a lot, but yeah, since we don't know her personally, we can't really tell.

I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

deviantART | YouTube


Re: The Love Thread!

I feel somewhat evil.

Over the past several months, I've told my best female friend about two different interests with significant gaps in between. Yesterday was the second, it was over MSN, she goes "gah stop thinking about girls" then I'm like "Haha, no why should I? mini/tongue" and she's like "I gtg"

Next thing I hear from her is a facebook status update saying she's in a relationship and it's complicated mini/lol 

I feel sooo evil right now mini/tongue

But that girl seriously is wacko...

PS: And Google Chrome told me I spelled "Wacko" wrong and gave me the correct spelling...:lol:

"11 year olds should dance with girls kiss with tounge and make good things out of this" -- Brick by brick
"What the heck is this underwear business?" -- BertL

Re: The Love Thread!

Hello people! Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time . . . anyways, I want to know your guys opinion on something. But first, you should know that my previous relationship is OVER. Obviously.

And there's this girl who I think really likes me. Probably a lot. Me and her hang out together all the time and go for walks uptown and I buy her stuff at Subway. We're pretty much best friends, and I think she has a strong love for me inside but I can't be sure, she always asks me if I  like a certain girl in my class, like Kaycee. Who BTW has been flirting with me a LOT. She winks and kisses at me from across the room, or waves at me, so I play along. But I think the girl I was talking about in the first place (Roni) genuinely likes me. Who should I go for?


Re: The Love Thread!


"11 year olds should dance with girls kiss with tounge and make good things out of this" -- Brick by brick
"What the heck is this underwear business?" -- BertL

Re: The Love Thread!

Dr007 wrote:


I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

deviantART | YouTube

Re: The Love Thread!

Stop posting names, it makes you creepy.

Re: The Love Thread!

You guys are bustards

"Thank you very little..."

Re: The Love Thread!

sorry VIK.
but anyway

all wrote:


''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''