Topic: [CLOSED]

Hi, everybody! I need some voice actors for my GO-Film contest entry.

Tim Taken By Juggernaut Pictures]
Age: Teenager
Description: A terribly childish and immature guy until something happens...

Alvin Taken By GHB]
Age: Teenager
Description: Tim's terribly childish and immature friend.

Narrator Taken By Jstudios98]
Age: Unknown
Description: The narrator, doesn't care about much.

Dave Taken By Jstudios98]
Age: Middle aged
Description: Tim's father, exaggerates things a lot and yells in a cartoony way, but not in a stupid way.

Co-Worker Taken By RealBrick]
Age: Middle aged
Description: Dave's co-worker.

Stranger Taken By Just Kidden]
Age: Middle aged
Description: Some random stranger, any mature voice would do.

Ted Taken By jediknight1997]
Age: Teenager
Description: Alvin's friend, only one line.

Last edited by LASF (August 26, 2013 (11:36am))


I might just send a test line for every character. I don't want to play all the characters, but I can't bring myself to choose only one to audition for.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?


Sent a test line.


Juggernaut Pictures wrote:

Sent a test line.

Received. I've given you the part of Tim.


I'll try out for ted


I just need a voice actor for Ted (1 line), but I still new JP and Chris's lines.



Last edited by LASF (August 26, 2013 (09:39am))