Topic: He Is Risen!

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He Is Risen!

He Is Risen!

HE IS RISEN!! A stop motion animation movie about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My son & I made this movie for the Easter Sunday service at Victory Church in Troy, PA. To God Be The Glory!

We had only 1 week to complete the whole thing. And that only consisted of 5 evenings after 5:00 and Saturday to try to put it all together. We only had Thursday and Friday evenings to shoot ALL of the animation. The rest of the evenings was building the sets, backgrounds, gathering audio clips etc. Saturday was spent trying to put it all together with the music, sound effects, vocal lines etc. We had to go to the church at 6:30am to load it onto their computer for the 9:00am service because we didnt get the video done and mixed down until 9:30pm on Saturday. It was a crazy week!!!

Last edited by lego_master_jwm (May 1, 2014 (05:24am))

Re: He Is Risen!

How does this have 3 stars is a great mystery as the animation has so many flaws. Now I'm not gonna comment much on the plot of the film as we all know it and I think that it's great that you are a man with faith (and so is your son), however this is a website for animators therefore we mostly judge animation, I thought it wasn't smooth enough, it was quite choppy, I did like the sets and cinematography at some points but the main problem with the video is the bad animation. I understand this is your first try? Cause if it is, then you did a wonderful job, keep on animating and you'll improve mini/wink