Topic: Lego Star Wars - Endor

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Lego Star Wars - Endor

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I hope you enjoy this little endor video about rebels observing stormtroopers.

Re: Lego Star Wars - Endor

The animation seems decent, though the set seems a bit blank, and then there's this big green board in the background which doesn't at all look like Endor or even a forest.  It needs more depth to it with lots of trees in the background and underbrush and leaves.  You should also try shining the light from above through some random stuff to cast random shadows like leaves do so it'll feel like they are really in a forest.

Also, the video itself looks squashed or stretched.  I'm unsure as to why, though.  Perhaps it's something that happened inadvertently in exporting  I'd highly suggest spending some time attempting to rectify that.