Topic: BRAWL 2015 Medieval Film - Casting Call (closed)

This is the casting call for my BRAWL entry, the title is still a WIP. No swearing or inappropriate scenes are contest rules, but in addition, there is no blood or even any violence at all. There really isn't a whole lot of dialogue in general, either.

Male, mid fifties. American or British accent, it doesn't really matter.
Number of Lines: 3 (plus some grunts and heavy breathing are needed)
Test: "Well, it's been quite some time since I've taken to the anvil, but... I suppose I could do it once more."

Male, late twenties/early thirties. American or British accent, it doesn't really matter.
Number of Lines: 5
Test: "I'm in need of a new sword, and I hear you're quite the craftsman."

The casting call is closed, huge thanks to everyone who auditioned! mini/smile

Last edited by AnimatorUnknown (July 20, 2015 (06:38pm))

Re: BRAWL 2015 Medieval Film - Casting Call (closed)

There's one role left, so if anybody else wants to audition, please hurry!

Re: BRAWL 2015 Medieval Film - Casting Call (closed)

Sent in an audition!

Re: BRAWL 2015 Medieval Film - Casting Call (closed)

Same here.