Topic: Writer's Block

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Writer's Block

Real Media

A writer finds inspiration in an unexpected way.  Made in 2007, this is my fist and only non-comedy to date and was the first film that I experimented with frame rates higher than 15fps.  It took about 3 months from script to release.  Enjoy!

Current Project: The Legend of Zark
February 2010] Follow on twitter!

Re: Writer's Block

I think this has got to be the best brickfilm of all-time. That is my final decision on the favorite brickfilm business. Whenever I start watching I can't stop. When I watch it I'm blown out of my seat and my head hits the ceiling, good thing I have a hard head.
Thank you for submitting this.

Re: Writer's Block

Lovely brickfilm Quigibo. Definetally one of my all time favourites. The animation was great, I loved
the special effect for the clock and the story.

Re: Writer's Block

This is definitely one of the greatest brickfilms of all time. The animation and effects are great, especially the animation on the blob. That animation is so strange and creative, it's stuck in my mind ever since the first time I saw this film.
I love this film.

Re: Writer's Block

This is one of the most underrated Brickfilms ever.


Max, She/They

Re: Writer's Block

This is such an inspirational brickfilm. I've always loved it, seen it a million times. Great job!

Re: Writer's Block

one of the best bri...ah, they already said that...uhm, yeah, really good anim...oh, that too...I loved it...