Topic: Inverted: Casting Call: Harry the Headcrab [THAC 7, NEED VOICES FAST]
Thats what they look like, just mine will be clay. Don't worry, its just for him, and Larry the Elite's Combine helmet. But I need somebody to play as him.

Be ready to rap. Oh yeah, we got a nice rap for it.
Be able to speak like dis, dawg! Fo' schizzle mah nizzle in da hizzouse!
Be prepared for a long term commitment Inverted is a series, not a short.
Age Age isn't that important, but I don't want some whiney 10 or 11 year olds trying it out, hence me not doing it.

Test line:
Yo, sup dawg!
... or...
Man, that was off da hook! We gotta try that out.

So just PM me your entries, please. Thanks!
P.S: NickMOC is in it, too, he plays Larry.

Last edited by Tyler (January 2, 2010 (11:55am))

Re: Inverted: Casting Call: Harry the Headcrab [THAC 7, NEED VOICES FAST]

I'm sorry. I would do your lines, but...I'm no good at rap and gangster-talk. Sorry. mini/sad

This would generally be the place where one would look to find a person's sense of humor. Good luck trying.